Our latex balloons are made of natural rubber latex tapped directly from rubber trees. Other than a pigment for color, very little else is added to them and they will biodegrade in about 2 years – about the same rate as a dead oak leaf.
Foil / mylar balloons are not biodegradable but can be recycled.
Sparky’s Balloons is proud to be a member of the Pro Environment Balloon Alliance (PEBA). This international organization is committed to driving proactive, environmentally responsible change within the balloon industry.
Our mission includes three main objectives:

Responsible Use and Disposal of Balloons
We follow responsible practices regarding the uses and disposal of all balloons and encourage our clients to do the same.
No Balloon Releases
As a member of PEBA USA, we do not support, or condone, nor will we facilitate the deliberate release of balloons.
Educating our customers
Wherever possible, we educate the general public, clients and venue managers on the importance of not releasing balloons into the environment, on alternative options to releases, and the correct use and disposal of balloons.
Support and advocate for change
Members are asked to notify PEBA USA if we become aware of any environmental issue pertaining to balloons, or are having any difficulties dealing with any agency in regards to environmental issues in the United States.
CALL US: 415-484-1184
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